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Friday, February 8, 2008

You Had To Ruin Something Beautiful

Everything nice I said about Uxxxx Dxxx, throw it out the window.

The brilliant idea for a Presidential Candidate set turned out to be just another crummy gimmick.

The Hillary Clinton as Morganna card was apparently too "controversial" so they pulled it from the set. Aaaaand of course some "accidentally" got put into packs and have made their way to eBay. Here's a quote from the soul-crushing weasel in charge of the operation:

“We literally had to go back to the hoppers on the floor and start pulling the Hillary cards out manually,” says one Uxxxx Dxxx official. “We thought we got them all.”
That's what he said, this is what he meant:

“We literally printed up about a hundred of the cards and then had to go back to the hoppers on the floor and start seeding the Hillary cards out manually,” says one Uxxxx Dxxx official. “We made sure they went into boxes that went to our buddies so a few would end up on eBay and we could get some good publicity out of this. Our dealer friends thought they got them all, but we pocketed about half of them so we could make a little cash on the side once the bidding frenzy began. Collectors are a bunch of suckers to keep falling for this bullshit. Fucking losers.”

Sorry. I'm not buying the fact that a PARODY card was pulled for being too controversial. You even ripped off the whole caricature idea from Topps and their Zombie Celebrity cards. Did they pull any cards to keep from pissing people off? No, because it was a JOKE. It's called satire people, it's SUPPOSED to piss people off. Well you did piss someone off. You pissed someone off who was impressed by your set this year, was delighted by the clever insert set you snuck in and was seriously considering building the set this year. I'm sure the pack prices will go up now thanks to your gimmicky bullshit, so thanks for that too.

All Uxxxx Dxxx cards are banned from this site until March first. No more free advertising from me.


Steve Gierman said...

That's shitty! I'm sick and tired of all the fake error and "accidentally" released cards. Complete bullshit!

Anonymous said...

I agree completely. Sheesh. MAINTAIN THE BAN!

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