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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1988 Break Cake Olympic Cards

I don't have time to post all the 1991 Olympic cards I want, so instead I have an obscure one for you all tonight. Really obscure. As in I can't find any info at all on this card. I have it though, so I might as well share.

Break Cakes were kind of a Hostess or Tastykake kind of snack cake company. They might have been owned by Earthgrains, or maybe Sara Lee, but you'd think there would be a web page or something for them if they were still around. I think they sold cupcake snacks and as you can see from the logo, there was a sports theme involved. You know, go out and do some strenuous physical activity and then take a break with a sugary pastry sort of thing. I do remember clear as day a commercial with Spud Webb beseeching the viewer to have a Break Cake. I can't find the commercial online, but this agency page may have a reference to it. There's practically nothing online about this company, but I know it existed at one time because I'm holding this card in my hand.

As you can see it's a nice looking card with the Break Cake logo up top and an Olympic poster underneath that is surrounded by a red and blue border. This card is of the infamous 1936 games in Berlin. Here's some helpful details on the back:

Break Cake, proud sponsor of the 1988 U.S. Olympic team has created this set of 21 trading cards to commemorate the 1988 games. There is one card free inside specially marked boxes of Break Cake Family Packs.
Collect all 21 cards and enjoy the great taste of Break Cake snack cakes.

Thank God for boilerplate or I'd know absolutely nothing about these cards. So it was a 21 card set with one card included in a family pack. So at one point in my life, I ate a family pack of snack cakes (possibly at one sitting, who knows) and I got a card commemorating the Triumph of the Will games. It's a pretty card though, bold colors on the front and nice fluffy clouds on the back.

This may very well be the only licensed card set from the '88 games other than the Topps Team USA cards. A quick search on eBay shows pretty much nothing from 1988. Kind of strange considering how the games are marketed to hell nowadays, but then again, I haven't seen any Olympic card sets for the Beijing games either. Break Cake also inserted Stuart Little cards into boxes of snacks in 2000, but who knows if they are even the same Break Cake. The logo is different at any rate. If anyone else out there has one of these cards or any more info on Break Cakes, please let me know in the comments. This strange little card has me curious now.


Unknown said...

Holy Cow!! I HAVE some of those! Totally forgot they existed... I'll try to dig them out of whatever binder they're resting in sometime soon and share.

I would have been almost 4 when they came out, so no definitive info on them. I think they were in cardboard boxes of honey buns (or these Ho-Ho ripoff things) that we used to get at the old Hostess/whoever bread stores in Kansas City... Once I find them, I'll ask my parents, who'd have been the ones who actually pulled them. Maybe they'll recall.

Did a Newsbank search and found this from the March 1, 1996 KC Star: "EARTHGRAINS CO. Baker gets new name In an effort to shed what it calls ``corporate anonymity,'' baked goods maker Campbell Taggart Inc. is changing its name to the Earthgrains Co. Earthgrains is to be spun off in late March as an independent company from Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. Anheuser-Busch shareholders will get one share of the Earthgrains Co. for every 25 Anheuser-Busch shares they own.

Earthgrains brands include Colonial, Rainbo, IronKids, Earth Grains and Grant's Farm breads, buns and rolls; Break Cake snack cakes; and Merico refrigerated dough products."

Just started reading the blog a couple weeks ago and really enjoy it! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I have the complete set. I collected them when they can out prior to the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games.

chris said...
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Unknown said...

I have a single card of Break Cake Trading Card of the Olympics 1952 summer games Helsinki Finland. I'm wondering if it is worth anything and if anyone wants it.

Anonymous said...

I worked for the company (Colorcon) that made the non toxic ink for these olympic cards. I have 20. I cant find 21?

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