I have no idea how to create pages but I'll figure it out eventually godammit

Friday, May 8, 2009

Just in case anyone's interested

B.P. Sports in Marietta is having an autograph session this Saturday and next Saturday. Tommy Hanson tomorrow and Jordan Schafer on the 16th. Tickets are $25 a pop for flats, $40 for equipment. Here's the ad I just got in my inbox:

Tommy Hanson Signing this Saturday
Hanson & Schafer
Saturday May 9th
12:00 - 1:00

Tommy Hanson
Top MLB Prospect

Autograph Prices TBD
Prices to be posted on our website 4/27 or 4/28

Sorry, No Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes

Saturday May 16th
12:00 - 1:00

Jordan Schafer
Rookie of the Year Candidate

$25 Autograph Ticket
$40 Equipment Autograph Ticket

Sorry, No Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes
#1 Draft Pick

Matthew Stafford

I love the gratuitious use of comic sans...

Here's the B.P. web site for more info. B.P. is located in Marietta Square, if you need directions I can give them to you in exchange for an autograph. Insert winky emoticon here. Just throwing this out there for any auto hounds in the ATL area. I signed up for their e-mail list for the card show announcements but hopefully this is useful to someone.


Captain Canuck said...

so let me get this straight, I go south out of Calgary and make a left turn at Albuquerque???

dayf said...

Yeah, that's pretty much the right way to get there.

Alternately, is you can figure out how to teleport me a twenty five dollar bill by tomorrow morning, I'd be happy to pick up an auto for you.

DaveH said...

Capt., you could also take a right in Walla Walla, more miles less traffic.

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