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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

2009 Topps Series Two Hobby Packs - Jackie vs. Mickey - Card 4

Isn't it spooky how the horizontal cards popped up at the same time?

Jackie Robinson pack card 4:

Card front: It looks like Olson is using the name bar at the bottom as a pitcher's mound and the Mariners logo as the rubber. Nice Dizzy Gillespie impression by Garrett as well.

Card back: I forgot Olson got traded twice over the offseason, first to the Cubs, then to the Mariners. Garrett's "A Niche In History" fact is that he finished the season among the top five AL rookies in starts and wins. This conveniently leaves out his 6.65 ERA. The Six Degrees of Mantle includes connections to Rick Sutcliffe and Al Downing.

Mickey Mantle pack card 4:

Card front: Another card where the player is standing on the name bar. Coco is more impressive though since he's hitting uphill. Good use of the horizontal photo as the Royals' bench is visible in the background. What the heck is that on Coco's pants though? It doesn't look like dirt and if that was blood Crisp's leg would be falling off. It looks like Coco kneeled in a plate of linguine with meat sauce.

Card back: Coco owns Jake Westbrook with a .667 average. Since that could easily mean he went 2/3 in a game against the Tribe, let's go with Mark Hendrickson's .563 average against as Coco's favorite patsy. Coco is also the third Red Sox player since World War 2 to steal 20 bases three straight years. The others? Ellis Burks and Tommy Harper. Coco has 12 so far this year so the streak could continue in KC.


Garrett is having problems holding a spot in the rotation while Coco is producing for the Royals. Add the cool shot of the bench ans the fact that the man is named after cereal and Mickey ties it up.

Jackie Robinson 2, Mickey Mantle 2


Andy said...

A couple of things:

1) Do the horizontal cards always occur at the same point in each of these packs?

2) Olson must be throwing a warmup pitch since many of the fans in the background are not looking in his direction.

zman40 said...

Coco hasn't done a damn thing since the first month of the season. And all he did that month was hit a GW HR and get a few walks.

I would almost want Ramon Ramirez back if it weren't for his walks.

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