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Thursday, May 5, 2011

2011 Topps HTA Hank Aaron

Ok, this isn't technically a Gypsy Queen card but I got it when I purchased a Gypsy Queen Hobby pack. This is card number 1 of this year's Hobby Store promo set.


cynicalbuddha said...

I really like the look of this years HTA promotion card, they kick the crap outta last years, which end like 2 weeks ago. I gave up trying to complete last years, mainly becuase I got tired of buying the same 4 crappy topps products, but the owner of my favorite LCS told me he'd put a set together for me.

Captain Canuck said...


even Night Owl will like that one...

dayf said...

Cynical - I am going to try to collect this one, but unfortunately the only Topps packs he has right now are Gypsy Queen, Tribute and last year's Chrome. I asked him when an inexpensive pack was going to be released and he laughed.

carlsonjok said...

What is he doing batting in front of my grandmother's drapes?

Derek Hill said...

How do these cards work?

night owl said...

What? I got nothing against Hank.

flywheels said...

I hadn't heard of this promotion. I'll have to track one of these down.

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