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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oh Dear.

In three days, the 2008 season might get a lot more difficult.

Take 'em for everything they got Johan! Don't settle for one dollar less! You're worth every penny!

I'm feeling a little sick... I think I need to have a lie down.


Russ said...

I'm not happy. I felt really good about our chances until this. Now I still feel good, but it's not going to be as easy as I had hoped. Actually, I really hope Tex just crushes every pitch he sees from him. and I hope the Braves make him wish he never left Minnesota

Steve Gierman said...

I'm just glad he's out of the AL Central division.

Chuck said...

No use pinching yourself guys. Its all too real. Johan is a Met and the Bravos and Phils better get used to looking up in the standings.

Unknown said...

In a related story, Hank Steinbrenner's wife called the cops because she came home from shopping to find her husband tied to a chair with a note stating, "You'll thank me for this later. Love Brian."

dayf said...

Trent made me laugh through the tears.

Thank you, Trent.

Captain Canuck said...

Chipper will light him up........

won't he?

hartmanj said...

Go Braves.

Anonymous said...

My hopes are that as soon as Johan gets that "BIG" contract his dominance starts to dwindle. The Mets have signed big names in the past and they didn't live up to expectations, i.e. Mo Vaughn and Roberto Alomar. Also I recall when Randy Johnson went to the Yankees that was a huge deal, but RJ didn't live up to many of the Yankee expectations. Now granted their is the age diff/prime years argument between Johan and Randy. Being a Braves fan I'm hoping that Johan will be star struck in the Big Apple while producing below expectation level.

mmosley said...

Johan can't be another Mo Vaughn, can he????

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