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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Johan Santana is going to be a helluva pitcher

But really, who didn't see this coming? It's one thing to have old decrepit geezers in the rotation, they can go back to their rocking chairs four out of five days. In the outfield? Running about all the time chasing after fly balls? Not a great idea. At least the Mets have Lastings Milledge ready to go- Oh wait. Now you New York fans know how I felt when Betemit was traded. The Mets are in some dire straights, almost everyone on their outfield depth chart is hurting and the Braves and Phillies are champing at the bit. There's an easy solution though...

Go get him Omar! Do it! You know you want to........... Wide open spot in left field. Two hungry rivals breathing down your neck. Do it Omar. Come over to the Dark Side. You know you want to. Unlimited Power! Otherwise you'll just have to live with your current roster.

(I know I've just totally jinxed the Braves, and someone important will go down for the year with a terrible injury soon due to my atrocious Karma, but it was worth it for the chance to post a Weird Al video)

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