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Friday, May 23, 2008

One more year for Bobby

Bobby Cox signed a one year extension on his contract today, and is set to manage the Braves through 2009. This is the best part of the story:

“I’m certainly going to end my career here,” Cox said. “There’s no doubt about that now. I’m happy. We’ve got great ballplayers. They’re fun to be around and it’s a fun team to be a part of. If it wasn’t fun, you should get out of the game, but I’m still having fun.”

This confirms what everybody already knew, that Bobby has a job for life in Atlanta as long as he wants it. The players want him here, the general manager wants him here and I guess the owners want him here, although I've seen no proof that Liberty Media actually knows they own a baseball team yet. I'm glad Bobby wants to stick around. Managers come and go like bad checks nowadays. It wan't very long ago at all that Willie Randolph was the #1 name on everyone's managerial wish list, now half of New York wants him thrown in the Hudson. I'd much rather have continuity in management and a strong front office instead of trying something new every couple of years hoping to get it right one of these times. Hopefully Bobby has a lot more one-year extensions ahead.

The Braves celebrated by going out and getting hammered by the D-Backs 11-1 in Doug Davis' return from cancer surgery. That probably wasn't so fun for Bobby. I'm happy for Doug though, I've been following him since his days in Milwaukee and it's good to see that he's cancer-free and still pitching well. Fortunately, the Marlins and Phillies also lost tonight so we didn't lose ground on anyone. After this little glitch the Braves can extend their league-leading home record and clean up on the rest of the games this weekend.

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