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Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Good Day for Georgia

Georgia and Georgia Tech both won today in the first weekend I was able to enjoy a full slate of football goodness. The Dawgs pounded on Central Michigan as Knowshon scored three more touchdowns to raise his total to six for the year. Moreno is going a good job padding those stats against the cupcakes for a Heisman run. The Dawgs won last week over Georgia Southern and dropped from #1 to #2 in the polls, they will probably drop to #5 after this week's slaughter. Maybe if we lose next week to South Carolina, we can jump back up in the polls since winning doesn't seem to be that important to the voters.

Tech stole a win on the road against the Boston College Eagles. I only watched the fumbleriffic first half so I missed the game winning 43 yard run by Jonathan Dwyer. Even worse, I missed a safety! Their first safety since 2004, oh why did I switch the channel? A nice win for the Jackets in Paul Johnson's ACC debut. Let's see if they can do it again next week at Virginia Tech.

I don't have a card for Central Michigan, but I have one for Boston College...

Charley was a deadly accurate passer and a fine runner. He beat Tennessee too, so he's all right with me. The awesomely cheesy passing pose is overshadowed by the manic background action shot. It looks like they are playing kill the man with the ball, not organized college football. What the heck is #55 doing in the middle of all those defenders? I'm also curious to know where Topps swiped the photo, as you can see an arrow pointing to the man obscured by the football. Even better than that though is the 'piling on' cartoon. Between the orgy going on all around and the ref copping a feel on the flattened player's butt, the penalty for this smutty display of hedonism should be a lot more than 15 yards. At least they are all wearing protection.

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