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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Upper Deck 16 - Topps 1

The wait is over, I finally pulled my first Kosuke Fukudome card from a Topps product yesterday.

For those who were counting, I pulled 16 Fukudome cards from Upper Deck across five different sets before pulling this one from U&H.

On the plus side, it's an error card! THE WHOLE THING IS UPSIDE DOWN!!!


James B. Anama said...

If you really got that card dayf, what would it take to get it off your hands???


JayBee Anama

dayf said...

I dunno, make an offer... Look carefully at the card first though :)

Captain Canuck said...

classic. A super rare variety...

you gotta get that one graded...

AlbuqwirkE said...

I assume you did realize as you were looking at that RARE variation that the back is actually printed on the front, and the front on the back.

I've never actually seen one myself in person- only in my nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Thats pretty funny Dayf. I bought in on the first glance. Second look though I was like Duh......

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