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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Deal's Done

... pending physical, per Dave O'Brien. Here's some video of KK in action.

It's almost impossible to figure out how skills will translate from the NPB to the MLB but Kenshin should be able to eat up some innings more effectively than some of the guys we threw out there last year. Now go out and sign Lowe and get an outfielder and we might be competitive next year.


Bay Rat North West said...

Is it just me or is he like Mad Dog but with a pretty good sinker? Look out Metsies!

Ben said...

Looks pretty good, but we're still without a number one starter. Jair Jurrjens is shaping up to have a fine career, but he's no number one starter, at least not yet.

Anonymous said...

He's very good and also consistent, uh oh.

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