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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

October Card Show - Unknown Power

I'm a little frazzled after today but I gotta post something. I have 20 minutes to ensure that my post total for November is an even number. Yes, this is important. No I don't know why, it just is. Yes, I've been reading Thomas Pyncheon. Fnord. Wait, wrong book. I'll read that one next. Ok, so I'm a little bit nutty right now, who isn't? Besides, Thorzul is doing card show posts and I have to swipe a post idea from 'zul or the Night Owl at least once a week. It's in the contract. I'm not interested in a big huge post though, so here's a card thing I got out of that weirdo dollar bin. I have no freaking clue what it is.

Here's a black & white 9" by 6 1/4" photo of Indians outfielder Vic Power. The stock is thin and glossy, the back is blank save a couple of spots of paper loss due to the removal of some old looking tape. No idea what this is. Team issue? Promo? Regional set? I haven't the foggiest. Vic played for the Tribe from '58 to '61 so there's about a 5 year window of when this could have been produced. I'm not interested in baseball card detectivery right now though. I wanna listen to some trance, draw some poniez and drink my vodka sour. I got this card thing for three reasons: Vic Power is cool, the item looked cool, I know at least three bloggers out there who would probably like it. Can anyone identify it? If you're one of the three I was thinking of, name that thing and it's yours.


vicky said...

i am sure that with other people the fan of baseball will also like these cards

Ryan G said...

That's most likely the 1958 Indians team issue, similar to the Jay Publishing photos. It would have been sold as a team set for about 50 cents back then, but I'd gladly pay a buck for one today, even with tape loss. I'm not sure what they're worth, but it's tough to find them outside the region. I'd like it, but I may not be one of the three! I'd be glad to trade for it though!

dayf said...

All yours, Ryan!

Ryan G said...

Sweet, thanks!

Captain Canuck said...

what in the hell is vicky talking about?

Ryan G said...

I believe vicky's a spambot that posted a link on my blog. But there's no link here. Go figure.

dayf said...

As long as there ain't a link, the spambots and I can coexist peacefully.

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