I got damn lucky when I stumbled on this card. First of all, I hate this set. It's entirely too cute for my tastes and some of the cards frankly disgust me. The cutesy wootsy little girl with her face smeared with huckleberries puts me into a diabetic shock. These cards are also scarce and expensive. They are from a later series put out after the merger of all the major cigarette companies as you can tell from the line "Branch of the American Tobacco Company" on the back. The thing about a monopoly is that without competition, there's no more need for innovative promotions to get people to buy your product over the competitor. Mainly because there IS no competitor. After the merger a few more sets came out here and there, but not nearly as many as before. That's why there are virtually no major baseball card sets until Teddy Roosevelt starting busting trusts resulting in the card renaissance of 1909. That's right, T.R. is indirectly responsible for the T206 set. That's one of the reasons why he's my favorite president, and he should be yours too. Teddy Roosevelt for President in '08! So what if I'm 100 years too late, a guy can dream...

I had some difficulty deciding on my mandatory weird pop culture reference for this set. I thought maybe showcasing the best song from the Kennedy's best album, but I figured that was a little hardcore for such a bucolic set. Comedy seems like a better bet. There's always Mitch Hedberg from Dr. Katz, but there's only one or two fruit jokes in the set. Eddie Izzard has a good bit on supermarket fruit, and I stumbled across a classic Spike Milligan bit I'd never seen before while searching for all this stuff. But no, that was a bit too silly. This set while saccharine sweet, has a dark side to it. To some, it may as well be the N3 Arms of All Nations set. These cute little girls are actually deadly assassins! That's why we must all learn to defend ourselves from the dangers of fresh fruit!
That reminds me of a band I used to be in called Pointed Stick.
If you think the fruits are creepy, check this Ginter set out: http://www.ebay.com/itm/320781082226?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
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