Look at this skinny kid.

Can you believe that just over 18 years to the day after being drafted, just like a bunch of other skinny kids got drafted today, this particular skinny kid has:
gotten 4 hits to pass Eddie Mathews on the All-Time Braves hit list

one of which was his
400th home run

and he is now hitting .418

Oh, and he also had a steal.
Right now, I am so, so gay for Chipper Jones.
It's alright....I've been so Gay for Andrew Miller for the last 4 months.
Great win, BTW. :(
Thanks, we'll do our best to kick the crap out of the Phillies this weekend so you guys can get back in first.
I've pretty much given up on first. I think I'll just settle for 12 wins for Miller.
chuck norris wears Chipper Jones jammies...
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