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Monday, October 8, 2012


Probably not going to post much, if anything, until next week when I get a break, so here's Chippah.

Anyone know where I can find the O-Pee-Chee version of this card?


Captain Canuck said...

if only you knew a Canadian who loved Chippah as much as you do.

gcrl said...

i might be convinced to break my 91 opc set...

Fuji said...

Out of all of his regular issue rookie cards (not including his Topps Tiffany or Topps Desert Shield), this one is by far the most difficult to find.

You can find them on eBay, but they're a lot less common than his other rookies.

dayf said...

Nobody break any sets! I'll find it eventually. Kinda want the Desert Shield and Tiffany ones too but lord knows how pricy they would be.