I have no idea how to create pages but I'll figure it out eventually godammit

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Hobby Is Dead And I Don't Feel So Good Myself

I have today off. I don't usually get weekend days off and to be honest I've already spent an hour today connected to work to clean some stuff up but technically I have today off from work.

There is a card show in Atlanta today. Apparently there are a couple of monthly card shows here that were off my radar. I've never been to them, but a card show is a card show. I'm not going. It's down by Perimeter and I don't feel like driving 40 minutes to go to a card show. Especially when I have my wife's crappy car today.

There's a flea market near me. Literally within walking distance. There's a card dealer and a comic dealer that are still there although the really good dealers have all gone away. There might even be someone new there, it's been a while since I've explored the place. Not going to that either even though my fat ass could use a nice long walk. Not interested in hunting around for stuff I probably don't really need.

My bookmarks as a rule are a gigantic mess. I have 40 tabs open at any given time and when my laptop starts to choke I'll start saving things for later all over the place. One bookmark folder is somewhat organized though. I have a folder for items from Check Out My Cards that I need. That place is pretty much an instant card show. I can knock out a series of 1972 Topps for under five bucks if I wanted. There's an old card from the '30s that I've had my eye on. There's always cheap J-Heys on there. Not really in the mood to try to remember my password today.

It might be the offseason, it might be the fact that real life concerns are stressing me out at the moment, it might be the fact that I've been sick on and off for over a month. Just not feeling baseball cards right now. It doesn't help that Topps no longer wants my money and there has been the collector's version of the Israeli-Gaza conflict on Twitter over it. I don't even want to mess with my own cards. I've got a '78 Topps set to binder, haven't done it. There's about 30 packs of 1988 Score not two feet from me and an unfinished set sitting in a box across the room. Don't feel like ripping and sorting. I probably should start stuffing some bubble mailers today to get rid of some of this stuff. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

Like I said, just not feeling it right now. This is probably the 3rd or 4th post like this I've written over the past few years too. I've got the week off for Thanksgiving. I think I'm taking it off here too. I might be back next week. Maybe next month. Next year? Eh, who knows. Might pull a Stale Gum and abandon Blogger for Twitter. Or jump into Tumblr like everyone else. Or maybe it's time for the Junkie to start a 12 step program?

Y'all keep doing what you enjoy, I gotta figure out what that is for me.



Sorry to hear you're not well.
Hope you,and the things all around take a turn for the better soon.

The hobby isn't quite dead yet.
Not until all new packs cost $5oo !

P-town Tom said...

Do ponies, not apathy.

Seriously, I hope you find something that makes you smile again soon. Whether it be cards, ponies, or something else.

Take a well-deserved beak. We're not going anywhere and neither is the hobby.

dayf said...

LOL I hated yesterday's episode.

Sascards67 said...

I don't go the Marietta show because of the distance but if that one is closer you should try it out next month. I went to the perimeter one today and have about 5 or 6 posts worth of stuff.

I hope you don't give up totally on the hobby or your blog.

AdamE said...

I can understand not wanting to blog. Anytime I get the "Card Blues" I get out of it by sending an unsoliciated package. When the return package gets here it is an instant card pick me up.

Play at the Plate said...

How do I copy and paste a post?

Duane said...

Damn Junkie, you cant quit or give up or get down on cards....it was reading your blog that inspired me to start collecting again..... it also inspired my badly written blog as well.... so there is that downside.... but most importantly It lead me to trading and making new friends on the internet....so for that i have to thank you..... hope u get to feeling better!!!

Fuji said...

Sounds like it's a good time to open up that kitty pack. It might just be the sign you're waiting for.

Have a safe holiday season!

TheBrooklynMet said...

Hey man, sorry to hear things aren't feeling so great. Hopefully the personal stuff gets better soon and card stuff gets interesting again next season.