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Monday, October 1, 2007

Win and You're In


One more logo post and we're back to actual cards. The Pads is from a 1982 Fleer sticker. If I could find one a t a decent price, I'd buy a box of '82 Fleer just for the stickers. I would like to stage a bloody coup and take over Upper Deck just for one day, so I could decree that there would be logo stickers in all Fleer products from now to eternity. I won't force the issue on UD hologram stickers, they don't scan worth a damn anyway.

The Rockies I had to get off an old obscure scratch off game for '94 or '95. I also have a Pacific logo insert card for the Rockies somewhere but I didn't feel like scrounging for it. If it pops up I'll post it because like all Pacific inserts, it was a beautiful mess. Rockies logos exploding everywhere.

1 comment:

Fleerfan said...

Great post. I'm glad to see Fleer Stickers getting a little respect, and I agree that the sticker inserts were great.

I'd be glad to send you some 1982 Fleer Stickers if you'd like. I've got some extras if you are interested.