Double Zombie Glavine MADNESS!!!!
As a certain 20th Century (Dusty) Rhodes (body slamin) Scholar was want to say:WHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!I just finished watching Caddyshack and am still laughing at the lightning priest pic.Bring on those Cubs. It's cold up here and I could use the kindling.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
So wait, we've been misspelling Glavine's name for 22 years? Hello!
Your post is clever. Topps, not so much.
Let the gimmick games begin!
Horrible, yet it seems very rare.
That is the dhumbest thing I've ever seen.
I didn't think it was the thon of a plumba from Austhen, Tekthath that said, "Whhhooooo". I thought it was the Nature Boy Ric Flair would say that while he was stylin' and profilin'WHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Double Zombie Glavine MADNESS!!!!
As a certain 20th Century (Dusty) Rhodes (body slamin) Scholar was want to say:
I just finished watching Caddyshack and am still laughing at the lightning priest pic.
Bring on those Cubs. It's cold up here and I could use the kindling.
So wait, we've been misspelling Glavine's name for 22 years? Hello!
Your post is clever. Topps, not so much.
Let the gimmick games begin!
Horrible, yet it seems very rare.
That is the dhumbest thing I've ever seen.
I didn't think it was the thon of a plumba from Austhen, Tekthath that said, "Whhhooooo". I thought it was the Nature Boy Ric Flair would say that while he was stylin' and profilin'
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