Here's cards for all the third baseman up in that poll over on the right. Hopefully this post will help you determine the right choice.
Fifth Blog Bat Around - Topic will be up on let's say....... Monday.

Hall of Fame, World Championship, 548 home runs, 3 NL MVPs, 10 Gold Gloves.

Hall of Fame, 2 World Championships, AL MVP, 16 Gold Gloves, 18 All Star appearances.

Hall of Fame, World Championship, AL MVP, 317 home runs, .305 lifetime average.

Hall of Fame, 2 World Championships, 12 All Star appearances, 512 home runs, 143 career OPS+.

Really a shortstop, juiced it up, schtupped Madonna, has more money than Sub-Saharan Africa, out till May.

#1 draft pick, four home runs in one game, if you squint at this name right in the right font it looks like Bob Homer, would have been a Hall of Famer if he had even half of a functional knee, my favorite player when I was a kid so please give him enough sympathy votes to put him past A-Rod, ok?
and the yankees should build a time machine (they have enough $ for this) and transport any one of these guys (preferably Brooks, Schmitty, or Brett) to the present to replace A-Rod til whenever he gets back.
Why has A-Rod received any votes at all? Ridiculous. He's a CHEATER.
Michael...Jack...Schmidt. 'Nuff said.
i'll vote for ron cey.
ok, mike schmidt.
btw, i love the card of brooks robinson looking for droids on tatooine.
"B. ROBINSON COMMITS ROBBERY!" How does a felon end up in this poll??
I am paralyzed by this poll. I think about it day and night, but can't push the button.
Michael Jack
Braves have had some great 3rd basemen, add Larry to the list soon.
A-roid has no business being in this list.
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