Card of the Week is back, moved from Mondays to Thursdays. I seem to have a little more time on Thursdays to do this kind of thing properly. Well, I'd have more time to do it properly tonight if I didn't start watching The Big Lebowski on Vs. and start over on tape 20 minutes into the thing when I realize that it's the cut version and decide I don't want to find any strangers in the Alps. So once again I'm typing the thing up like mad at the last possible second, secure in the knowledge that blogger marks the timestamp based when you first open the new post so even if it takes 'til two AM it will still be published on Thursday. Luckily, I have a card where the picture is worth a thousand words. There's a picture on the back too, so that's two thousand. So you'll get a post with at least 2,200 words.
1993 Upper Deck Jeff Huson

This card illustrates perfectly why 1993 Upper Deck is one of the best sets of all time. Check out that picture. Kenny Lofton slides hard into second to break up a double play. Huson leaps out of the way to avoid the slide, bumping his head on the UPPER DECK logo on the top of the card. There's even a blurry hat logo on the wall behind them offering hours of entertainment while you try to figure out what team that's supposed to be. Upper Deck was really good at sneaking in star players into their photos to make the cards more interesting. In 1993, they couldn't possibly know that Lofton would become one of the best leadoff hitters of all time, so good choice by photo editor. Let's check out the back...

Oh, looky here. THE greatest lead off hitter in the history of baseball. Nifty pair of pics here, All told between Huson Lofton and Rickey ypu're looking at 2092 stolen bases, 5922 hits and 4065 runs. Not bad for a common card.
Thanks to Duane for chipping away at my '93 Upper Deck list. See, the good cards get posted eventually, I'm just takin' my time...
Upper Deck was no better than in 1993.
I loved this set at well. So much, in fact, that it was the only thing I actually bought during my 13 year card collecting hiatus.
Lofton was one of the hot rookies in 1992, along with the immortal Pat Listach who did win the AL Rookie of the Year, so people at UD may have known who he was.
I think he was also in the 1991 UD Final Edition set.
I've never seen that card before and now I've got to pick up the card because it pictures Rickey on the back.
When I saw the Huson card at the top of your post, I knew that it had Rickey on the back! I love these "cameo" cards, and have about 75 or so different ones that feature Rickey. They are obviously not listed in any checklists anywhere, so it's always fun to come across a new one.
Not only is 1993 UD a gorgeous set, but it's available for about $10/box on Ebay. I bought myself four boxes for my birthday (two of each series) for $50 including shipping and had a lot of fun ripping them and building the set over the holidays.
Now that's value for money...
I think after 1993, Upper Deck went to the full bleed crap and I can't tell one year from another of their sets since then.
Huson looks like he's gonna nail a nonchalant Henderson with the ball on the back.
Verification word: meamense
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