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Friday, January 15, 2010

My Annual Mid January Tradition

Buying the Baseball Hall of Fame Calendar at 50% off once the stores put all the calendars on clearance.

I've done this for the past four years now and I have yet to be disappointed. I'm not a big calendar guy, I never use them to track important stuff since I do that online. Even the page a day calendars usually end up being forgotten by June assuming they get out of the box at all. The Hall of Fame version is some serious eye candy for baseball junkies though. This year's edition had a bonus:


Hank! It will be very tempting to just rip out the pages and keep Aaron up all year long. Fortunately, I'm too neurotic about not defiling anything remotely 'collectible' so it will likely stay in one piece like my other calendars. Here it is in action:

Here it is in action. I get to gaze upon George Kell's greatness whenever I'm on the phone with an irate customer. The factiods on the calendar dates are nifty too. Did you know that yesterday was the anniversary of Ted Turner buying the Braves to use as some cheap programming on Channel 17? A momentous occasion if ever there was one. If you like baseball, and have a bit of wall you need covered up, you could do worse than a discounted Hall of Fame Calendar.


RoofGod said...

Forget the calender the best part of those pictures is the Culvers cup lurking in the background! Although I do agree with you, only buy calenders half off and only display them don't actually use them.

sruchris said...

Wow! Is that a phone in the photo or a piece of furniture?

dayf said...

sruchris: That's not a phone it's a couch, it folds out into a futon for quick naps when things get slow.

madding said...

I bought a half-off Futurama calendar the other day. The sports-related calendars around here are usually just awful.

MMayes said...

mmmmm. Culver's......