Here's what it looked like in Georgia today:
What a lovely day for a game of golf!
here's what used to be the fairway.
Not going down this road anytime soon...
I was gawking too much to get pictures of the really spectacular devastation, such as the car stuck in three feet of water on Chastain road, the bridge to my kid's school being overtopped by a raging creek (yes, creek) and a brand new very expensive park in east Cobb that was completely underwater. Man, it sucked to be in Georgia today. I spent about 5 hours in the car due to floods, road closings and school closings. I spent about a third of that time street surfing. Ugh. It wasn't all bad though as this came in the mail.

Let's open 'er up!

Oh well, no feather boa relic for me. Of course that means I have a.....
I know it's a celebrity relic because I could feel the star shape when I was taking it out of the penny sleeve, but I took off my glasses and squinted while scanning and uploading it so I would still be surprised. I want to share this momentous occasion with you all, so I am going to bed without looking at the relic. I would like you to post in the comments your reactions WITHOUT SPOILERS to the replacement for my feather boa card. I shall be back at 0600 hours to read your comments and guage how excited/disappointed I should be before finally looking at my prize. Thank you for your support in my endeavor.

I almost SPOILED it with my first comment.
You got hosed.
Wow, I went straight to the Estrada pic without reading your post. I was pissed on your behalf. I wonder how Topps determines equal value to a feather boa relic-that seems priceless. I am shaking in anticipation (wait, maybe thats the two POTS of coffee i've had today! Those pics you started with remind me of what my backyard looked like last week. I live on a creek, yes a creek. Good luck, can't wait to see what you got! I hope that they kept with the Jesse Ventura theme, and maybe its a tiger striped tights relic!
As a child of the 80s, I can't think of too many celeb relics I'd rather have. In fact before this card, I was never really interested by any.
you got screwed... time to put that return address to good use and hit up the complaint department
The replacement card is like watching an football game in regular def: It's worse because you know exactly what you're missing.
I was going to leave a really cryptic comment making some sort of Sealab 2021 reference, but it looks like someone didn't follow the rules. As someone who never collects non-sports cards... well, at least it's someone you've heard of.
Well, it's not a swatch from Randi Oakes' police uniform pants, but as someone who watched loads of late '70s crap TV, I wouldn't be that upset.
as frightened as I am about Night Owl's post, I'll just say that I would be pissed.
I'd say it's a marginal improvement, but then again I wouldn't get too excited about receiving either.
Just because other people spoiled it doesn't mean I have to.
They should have thrown in a pair of special glasses and something with rotating blades.
Not a good substitute.
LOL!!!!!!! All I got say is buy his glasses. If you have seen the new Burger King Commercial with him, Carrot-Top, and Tony Stewart; you'll understand........
Dude's on Sealab 2021, I couldn't be happier. And yes, I want the glasses. Carrot Juicer, not so much.
Oddly enough this is one of the base cards I'm missing from that set.
If you don't care about wrestling, I think it's a pretty good substitute. I love how they phrased the problem in their letter. We were looking for the exact card and couldn't find it. Do they just have millions of cards lying in a giant room in a big pile? How long did they look before they gave up?
I think you got screwed, tell topps that a former navy seal, former wwf star and former governer is not even in the same league as a former chips star, former time share pitchman, and former sureal life star. You would have been better of with a Vanilla Ice relic lol.
My original spoiler comment was:
i experienced side splitting laughter when I saw the card. how i'm headed off to the hospital for stitches.
by the way, the people who cannot read the directions and post non-spoilerish comments are absolute brainless morons.
Total dayf victory!
I would definitely play on - I don't think the heavy stuff is going to come down for a while.
First, sorry about your abundant amount of water - I left the sprinkler on while we were away for the weekend -
I hate to see my next month's utility bill.
As for the already spoiled Topps Relic cards - in case you have not heeard - Topps was out of the CHARO "cuchie, cuchie" boas.
But at least you could ask if Estrada will help you sell it.
stay above the water line ...
Hopefully the edges of the card aren't full of C.H.I.P.S.
Oh my. I'm not sure what to think.
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