One of the things I like most about this set are the quirky logos that pop up randomly. I almost swooned when I saw Brian McCann's card with a Milwaukee Braves Indian logo on the card. Don't tell anyone, but I think the Mr. Met logo rocks.
Meet the Mets, meet the Mets, step right up and beat the Mets...

Two rookies in the whole set and I got me the good one.

ARRRRR MATEY! Time to crank up the ol' MSPaint!
Must...have...David Wright...card....
although we still haven't sent our little pile o' cards to you so there's absolutely no reason on God's green earth why you'd save that for us.
*eyes downcast*
If it makes you feel better, as a Mets fan, I always secretly liked the Braves Tomahawk Logo. Shhh.
Yearrrgh! Me loves the Pirate logo almost as much as MS Paint.
DC - That's interesting because I have a pile of cards in front of me that was supposed to go out last saturday but didn't.
Look at that - the pile s a little taller than yesterday. Huh.
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