This poster was the giveaway at last weekend's Gwinnett Braves game. This is as much as I could fit on my scanner. I was able to fit in Tommy Hanson (first guy on the top row) but sadly the manager and a trainer got cut out. There's a lot of other guys who made the big league roster on this poster including Brandon Jones, Gregor Blanco, Reid Gorecki, Boone Logan, Manny Acosta, Barbaro Canizaro, Brooks Conrad and Kris Medlen.

Poor, poor Kris Medlen.

You're telling me there wasn't a second take of the photo? Kris could have gotten away with that expression. He does look genuinely excited to be there. Maybe he got called up to the bigs that morning. But the hat..... you can't get away with that hat. Not with that look on your face. Right next to Kris is Wes Timmons with a bill that is almost as level straight as Medlen's cap, but he's able to kinda pull it off. Not Kris. Poor, poor Kris.
And before you say that I'm being unfair to Kris, when a seven year old boy looks at a poster, gets a big smile on his face and says "Hey daddy, look at
this guy" then it isn't me. It's that cap. Always curve the bill of your cap!
Joe Wilson said that apparently the straight bill was supposed to be a California thing. Not that that makes it any better.
Dude looks like a lady
Looks photoshopped. The cap isn't even really on his head.
Ha ha ha.. this picture cracks me up. Unfortunately, it's tough to get a good curve with these new New Era hats, they're too stiff. Me no likey.
And don't ever use those "perfect curve" tools, either. Baseball+rubber bands=nice curve.
Yeah, looks like a woman trying to get away with playing on a man's baseball team.
just sayin'
Not exactly sure what quota he was filling, but Kris looks like some sort of affirmative action signing. This is what happens when schools do away with letter grades. No Child Left Behind has failed us all yet again!
dude looks like Randy Quaid
dayfdude, flatbillwise, we need you to check in about dontrelle.
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