Like one per pack parallels that just make it harder to build your base set, politicians are one hobby gimmick that refuses to go away. I pulled the entire spectrum of elected figures in my handful of packs.
Abe Lincoln looking all bad-ass like a Bond villain with nukes going off in the background and a gold robot death eagle with laser talons to zap 007 with as James races off in a Bentley with some hot chick, pew pew pew! I'll get you James Bond! Muahahahaha!
Al Gore looking so ridiculously wooden that it seems like Upper Deck modeled the painting off of Robin Williams in Centennial Man or maybe Kryten from Red Dwarf or something. I saw a Teddy Roosevelt in this insert set on a blog somewhere and I end up with Robot Al. Meh.
Oh Mother Mary and Joseph I can't even bring myself to make fun of this wretched woman anymore and it's a freaking 20th Anniversary card to boot I must have drop kicked little baby kittens into a bonfire on the sabbath in a previous life to deserve this.

Sick of politicians? YOU BETCHA
You really shouldn't keep your emotions bottled up. Let it out! ;)
<sarcasm>I wouldn't want to publicly make fun of our next President.</sarcasm> Unless of course, your wish is to be stalked by a helicopter and hunted down like an Alaskan wolf.
For the life of me, I can't understand what Sarah Palin ever did to make people so intensely hate her.
Did I laugh at your last comment ... you betcha !
Dumb but sorta hot politician... my brain can not compute this idea no matter how hard I try. It's enough of a logic fail to make evil conquering robots heads asplode like the 4th of July. :3
hahaha drop kicked a kittten! yah she sucks...
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