I've been staring at this pile of 1987 Topps on my desk for a week and for the life of me I can't figure out what to write about it. Now, 246 different 1987 Topps card
is undoubtedly awesome, that's not in dispute. That's nearly a third of the set! Plus a lot of 'em are bent, like the Palmiero rookie. Aaaawwweeesssooommmeeee... I think I'm just paralyzed by the awesome. I tried pulling the more awesome cards from the pile, but I ended up with over 50 cards, all of which were pretty damn awesome. Unfortunately I've got an awesome box to dissect and I can't be fooling around forever. I opened up the scanner bed, chucked 'em all in the air and scanned the ones that fell on the scanner. All but ONE fell face down. Totally awesome. Here's a buncha '87 Topps, feel free to use for your desktop wallpaper or just print it out and frame it to hang over the mantle.

Also found amongst the awesome was a ticket stub from that hockey team I was talking about way back
here. I don't remember who won this game or even if there was a fight, but I do remember that some lady got nailed with a hockey puck. Actually thats very not awesome. Kinda sad in fact. Actually this post is terrible, forget you even read any of this. I'm not doing a very good job of conveying the astoundingly extreme awesomeness of this lost box am I.

Hey, they won the game over
Huntsville! That's a little awesome.
Is that a scan of your cards? If so, very cool.
and the record falls.....
the award for most usage of the word "awesome", correct or not, goes to DAYF!!!
Oh man, I love the Ed Lynch card. Thorzul Will Rule's posts about that card have resulted in that picture being etched in my mind for good!
Would that be Yogi Berra on the Astros card? How cool.
I have to compliment you on your AL Ballot. Every person on your ballot is the leader in VORP for their position. Morneau is a close second to Youkillis, but ill let it slide.
Yes, thanks for representing Ed Lynch!!!
You know what? That is pretty awesome. And printing it out and framing it would be awesome as well. Especially with that awesome Bip Roberts rookie card in the shot.
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