Ok, so I'm a day late on the whole National Chicle brouhaha but I'm pretty much late on everything nowadays so no big deal. If this is the only baseball card blog you read (you should really check out some of those guys on the sidebar, but I digress) here's basically what happened over the past 48 hours. On Friday, Beckett posted a preview of 2010 Topps National Chicle. (Political junkies know that bad news is always released on a Friday but once again, I digress). Chris Harris took one look at it, choked down the vomit, and posted this scathing review on Stale Gum. (I rather like the Ichiro with the Pilots uniform, but I'm digressing yet again) All hell breaks loose on the card blogs and Chris Olds
As in "Why the hell does this product even exist??"
Beyond the obvious answers of "Retro always sells", "It sticks it to Upper Deck Who already did this set with 2007 Goudey and 2009 Philadelphia" and "Because they Can." here is one other reason why this particular design is being used in this particular set. I'm not talking about card design, I'm talking about art design. This set exists in this form because you all went batshit over Topps Sketch Cards. Here's a few sketch cards that made it out into the wild. Compare the art with some of the art from that preview. I'll bet a binder that this guy did some of the artwork in this set. National Chicle is not just a retro set, it's an ART set.
Topps has a whole stable of artists sketching up 1/1 insert cards for not only baseball, but all their non-sports products too. These sketch cards are WILDLY popular. There is a great history of artistic sets going back through card history: Upper Deck Masterpieces... Upper Deck Checklists... Dick Perez Diamond Kings... 1953 Topps... 1935 National Chicle... Topps has the artists working for them already, why not have them work on a set? Now, the thing with art, see, is that it is usually not exactly photorealistic. It is sort of... well, artsy, and some artyness is better than others. So in the same set you can have some fantastic art, and other art that is not so good. Since that's just the nature of art, I would advise my fellow bloggers not to abandon this set - or indeed the entire hobby itself - over a couple of clunkers in the sell sheet of an art set. Give it some time, let some more images come out, heck, Topps might even be reading all of this stuff and ordering their design team to work weekends for the next month to fix some of these problems, and just wait and see how the final product turns out. You might be pleasantly surprised. Just look at that Jackie Robinson card again and imagine an entire base set that looks like that.
Ok, now onto Chris Olds' question: "Why are people freaking out over these previews??"
The best way to address this is by dissecting the Stale Gum post which was strongly alluded to, if not directly linked, in the Beckett article. Chris Harris has issues with three of the cards in the preview. One, Ichiro in a Pilots uniform is mostly an anachronistic thing. Yeah, the Pilots were based in Seattle, but they eventually moved to Milwaukee, which is a completely different franchise than the Mariners. Ok, so the Pilots are technically not the Mariners, but it's the same city and it's no more odd than Greg Maddux wearing an Atlanta Black Crackers Negro League throwback which he did in real life. Of course, as a dedicated collector, Chris has every right to hate this card. I personally am still so angry with Topps over their Black Border blaster bait & switch that if I was strolling down the street and came upon Michael Eisner on fire, I not only would not piss on him, but I would roast marshmallows and sing campfire songs as he burned to death. Collectors are funny that way.
Now for card #2, the weird Beckham/Konerko/Maybe Even Thome 1990 Frank Thomas No-Name Variation Homage Card Thingy. This card is just so wrong on many different levels. First of all, a 1990 Topps card does not belong anywhere near a 1930's retro set. It just doesn't. Even the Thomas error or the President Bush '90 Topps card is simply not worthy of being in the same binder as any card from the 1930's. I mean, it's cute and all, Beckham was a 1st rounder, Big Hurt was a first rounder... this just isn't the time or place for it. And making it one of the first cards shown of the set just isn't a smart move. Especially when aesthetically speaking it's just a plain butt-ugly card. Even the White Sox fan hates it and that's saying something.
Ok, now for THE card. The card that has made many heads asplode this weekend. I'm talkin' 'bout this:

Here's Babe Ruth:

And here's Chipper Jones:

The card again:

This is why everyone hates this card. Because Topps took what was obviously a painting of Chipper Jones and got cute and put Babe Ruth's name on the card just to fuck with us. "Oh, but Babe Ruth played for the Braves in 1935..." yeah, he sure did and that's STILL a painting of Chipper Jones and Topps STILL put Babe Ruth's name next to it. I don't care if it's supposed to be a 'fun' card, two plus two is not five, and Chipper Jones is not Babe Ruth, no matter what Topps says. Newsflash for Topps: collectors are sick and fucking tired of this shit. They are tired of John Smoltz and Tom Glavine's names being spelled Jon Smoltz and Thom Glavine. They are tired of Johan Santana's first Topps cards in a Mets uniform being unobtainable super short prints. They are tired of Rangers logos on Padres cards and photos being flipped both horizontally and vertically on purpose and the names of two marginal Giants outfielders being swapped on each other's cards and an extra unnumbered card of the hottest rookie of the year tacked onto the greatest set building brand Topps has in their entire product line for no other fucking reason than to shove another goddamn gimmick right up our asses in the vain hopes that it will trigger another '06 Alex Gordon feeding frenzy. WE ARE TIRED OF THE BULLSHIT, TOPPS, AND WE WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE IT TO STOP NOW THAT YOU HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE MOTHERFUCKING LICENSE. This, Beckett; this, Topps; this, Chris Olds; this is why people are so irritated by this silly little card that they are threatening to boycott the only licensed manufacturer of friggin' baseball cards over it.
I don't hate it though, I love it. I want this card very badly and I'll gladly take it off the hands of anyone who pulls it and hates it. That's because Chipper Jones is my favorite player and it's quite obviously a Chipper Jones card no matter whose name is on the thing. I will take this card and love it and scan it and post it to Zistle and put it in a top loader and put it with my other thousand Chipper Jones cards because it's a dadgum Chipper Jones card. That card is not why I'm infuriated with 2010 Topps National Chicle. THIS is the reason I'm infuriated with 2010 Topps National Chicle:

I am thoroughly finished with "cute."
"Cute" wants to make me smack the smirk right off those smarmy Topps boys.
I hope they're reading this. If they are, I'm talking to you Mr. Smirky. Don't make me smack you.
I'm going to be pissed if I have to go to bed with that image of Chipper/Babe in my head. Tommy Hanson and his pedo-stash? That's a whole different ballgame. Good night.
You sir, deserve a slow clap for that post.
I planned on thoroughly destroying Chicle as well....but you did a much better job then I would have.
So, instead, I plan on just linking to your post about how I feel.
Thanks for making it easy for me ;)
I didn't even want to touch the "Chipper Ruth" in my post. If I would have done that, I would have dropped the first M-F bomb on my blog.
Very well said. I hope they read this. I really hope they read this.
Billy Idol gets it. Why doesn't Chris Olds?
I am a big fan of retro-themed sets. I like the cardboard feel of them. This looks like one I will be avoiding until Blasters are 50% off at Meijer.
Great post.
Haiku version:
Topps makes funny joke:
"Chipper Jones is now Babe Ruth"
collectors facepalm.
For extra added fun, go to the original Beckett preview of Chicle and compare the autograph subjects they have images for and compare it to the pre-sell autograph checklist.
Notice anything?
This is another reason we're all fed up with Topps, but that's another post.
"Collectors" might like sketch cards, but I never even liked the Perez' cards.
I hope to God that all the Twins players are depicted as Senators, so I won't be collecting them.
An in case it's not clear from my long insane rambling post, I am really looking forward to this set. While the Chipper and the Beckham card are ludicrous, they appear to be part of the high numbered subsets (which will probably be sport printed, which is another rant for another time) and not indicative of the actual base set.
If the Jackie Robinson card is what the rest of the base cards will look like this has the potential to be one of the nicest sets of the year. For now, like Thom Yorke, I shall choose to be Optimistic.
You can try the best you can, if you try the best you can... the best you can is good enough.
well...the big fish eat the little ones. Big fish eat the little ones.
Not my problem, get me some.
I can't wait to buy this and get another Brad Nelson Brewers card. OH! Maybe they will have a Bill Hall card with the Brewers too.
Piss off, Topps.
I dunno, Chipper Ruth looks more like Magglio Ordonez to me. :d
Awesome post, btw.
Um, at least his tongue isn't sticking out...
I'm tired of all of the games as well. If Topps feels like they can't sell their sets without gimmicks then maybe they should pack up and call it a day. I thought they finally after the great 2009 set they sold on its own merits. The great HTA jumbo boxes were even better. Then they started the crap in Heritage and everything else. I don't get it.
nice work indeed! And Tommy Hanson with a porn stache? We must haves it, my precious! I am spending my 2010 completely on chicklets!
April first would have been a good day for the preview.
Brilliant narrative.
Re the Babe Chipper, there's also the mystery of that cleft chin. Perhaps it came from the same place as Hanson's 'stache?
I think this set will be responsible for the best and worst looking cards of 2010. Either way it will give us plenty to write about. I'm still excited about 100% on card autos. At least that's a step in the right direction.
My mom just saw the Chipper Ruth card.
"That's Chipper isn't it?"
I think that the reason most collectors are pissed off is that they are tired of all the lousy products at ridiculous prices.
On a per-card basis, most products today sell at roughly 5-10 times the price they did 20 years ago
(1989 Topps = .03/card, 2009 Topps = .20/card), despite the fact that inflation over that time period has only been about 70% and quality has only improved marginally.
Today, the hobby seems to be mostly about chasing artificially scarce autograph and relic cards, irrelevant parallels, and pointless inserts rather than collecting the cards themselves.
Start putting out well-designed products with good checklists and relevant inserts at a decent price, and people like me might start buying cards again.
I couldn't agree with you more. Once again you summed it up nicely.
By the way Chris Olds just called you out. I think he didn't like you talking bad about his beloved meal ticket...err Topps.
wow now i'm all pumped up. And I still have an hour till the packer game. well said.
I didn't call anyone out. Calling him out for his opinion would be to use his name directly and try and tie it to something else unfounded. (You know, kind of like how my name got dropped in here.)
Plenty of people are having the same knee-jerk reactions which is one of the reasons it makes for a good blog item (or two... or three).
(You know, because I am a "secret follower" ... )
Wait... you don't follow Stale Gum? You should, it's a really good blog.
It is interesting that Babe Ruth and Chipper Jones have facial features associated with the Negroid Race. Both have upturn nostrils. Author Fred Lieb mentioned in book that Ty Cobb considered Ruth an African American (though he did not use that term back in the 1920s). Chipper Jones also has that multi cultural look.
Very nice...and some great comments too.
I bow before thee. That was awesome.
Thank you. Well said. Bravo, Encore.
Yes, and when Topps awarded these artist's the opportunity to create this set they were all very excited, and proud to be a part of it.
Some of them are even collectors ( imagine that).
They spent hours painting, and drawing on tiny pieces of cardboard a fraction of the size of what they are used to working with.
When it was all said and done they had put forth their best effort, and from the looks of it nobody liked it.
Which is strange to me because a majority of bloggers all seem to want to be creative in one way or another. Be it making their own cards, or drawing their own cards. We don't come right out and say they look like shit do we? No we keep those types of comments to ourselves, because we don't want to hurt anyones feelings
Im sure they read blogs like this one ( a very good one), and feel pretty crappy about themselves.
I can understand bashing the companies on certain issues, but don't shoot yourself in the foot. All your doing is stopping Topps from allowing local artist's from participating in future releases.
That my friend is very bad.
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