Bo picked a pack with no team logos. The stickers stuck on this one were likely meant to label a box full of Rookies of the Year. Why anyone would have a box full of corrected cards I don't know.
Manufacturer: Topps - 10 cards for 10 points

Year: 1988 - 4 cards for 20 points

Team: Yankees - 2 cards for 20 points

Sport: Football - 0 points
Despite choosing the thickest pack in the contest, there was not a single non-baseball sport card in there at all.
Player: Wade Boggs - 0 cards
No Boggs, but there was a Kevin Seitzer in there.
Weirdness: Checklists - 0 cards

Anyone who opened even a single solitary pack of Topps from 2006-2008 knows why this is the worst card.
Two packs, two relics. Don't get used to this. This card shows Cabrera in a Marlins uni but is a Tiger according to the card. The swatch is a little off center too. Still, Cabrera is pretty good (even when he boozes it up before a big game) and the next best card in the pack is probably a 1992 Donruss Juan Gonzalez.
Weirdness: Checklists - 0 cards
No weirdness in the pack either. Bo started off so well too.
Total Points: 50
Here's the rest of the cards in the pack:

The Worst Card in the Pack:

And finally,
The Best Card in the Pack:

#1 Mad Guru - 121 points
#2 Mark's Ephemera - 82 points
#3 Bo - 50 points
Blue - Currently in the lead for the Grand Prize
Red - Currently in the toilet for the boobie prize
Black - good luck with the random drawing.
wow, that's quite the random relic. Miggy rules!
I never thought I'd say this but - I hope I stay in the toilet!
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