I have no idea how to create pages but I'll figure it out eventually godammit

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Crack Contest

Trader Crack is giving away a pack of Razors or something. I've been using the same Mach 3 promo razor I got in the mail for about 3 years so I went ahead and entered the contest. You might want to go do the same you scruffy people you.

I'm spending my day ripping every Frank Zappa cd in my collection so I can listen to them on my commute. I've still got 10-15 left to go. I might need a bigger hard drive. E-mail responses and an actual card-related post is scheduled for tonight. Everyone who is owed an e-mail response from me may punch me in the face if you wish since I missed my Friday deadline. To the moon, Alice!


Wax Heaven said...

I like Baby Snakes!

Mark Aubrey said...

Shouldn't that be:

To the Moon, Alice

Steve Gierman said...

Weasels Ripped My Flesh Off because I've been using the same razor for 5 years.