First things first. Matt P. And Matt G. You two won contests from me back in 1985 and I've finally got the packages together. They will be in the mail tomorrow.
Ok, now that is taken care of, here's a bunch of current going on right now contests for you to check out.
This is year two of 'zul's "Send Thorzul stuff and maybe you'll get something cool in return" annual contest. He wiped me out of Brewers last year and I almost immediately got my ass kicked by Chris Harris, who didn't even win if I remember correctly. Now's your turn to get in on the action! No one's beating me this year though, I swear...
Here's how the e-mail started out:
dayf,this is my once a month plea for traffic assistance... just posted another contest, can you help get me some entries?
Aaiight... Go traffic it up folks! The rules of the thing are too dang complicated, but it involves voting and following and stuff. They voted in freakin' AFGHANISTAN today, you can do it too. You don't even have angry Taliban goon trying to kill you while you vote for Dale Murphy either so there's no excuse.
Once again, someone went A&G crazy and bought 87 cases of the stuff. Now Ryan is ditching his doubles. So get in on the action already! Again with the following. Why does everyone want followers? I found out about this from Lake Effect, who is promising his own contest. No pressure Greg!
Ok, that's enough contests for now. I've got one in the works, I just need to figure out how it will work. If I figure it out this weekend, look for it on Monday. If not, it'll be a Labor Day contest. Here's a preview:

I know for a fact at least one reader recognizes this...
That package looks like it's from Arkansas.
I won that contest so long ago, the Brewers still had their dignity...
Take your time with the package Dayf. I only kinda sorta won that contest anyway,
That does seem to have Arkansas written all over it...
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