199 Jorge Campillo
148 Kevin Gregg black
NY-1 CC Sabathia Yankee Stadium
574 Phil Coke Rookie DP
426 Justin Verlander
For those keeping score at home, that's 7 Braves in 9 packs. What are the odds? Looks like I'm building a Braves Team set at the very least. Is anyone else sick of Yankee Rookie pitchers? It seems like there are one or two that end up in every single set each year and nothing comes of any of them because The Yankees invariable just go out and spend a half billion dollars on starting pitchers every year. Sean Henn, Phil Hughes, Ian Kennedy and now Phil Coke. Just go away already. Speaking of the Damn Yankees, why are the Yankee Stadium tribute cards glossy and over twice as thick as the other cards? All I can figure is that they are some sort of weird decoy card for the relics. And we finish up with:
Justin Verlander. Finally, the O-Pee-Chee packs are over...

I was surprised to see that these were going for a buck now at the local card shop.
Yeah, OPC randomly inserts "dummy" cards to fool pack searchers going for the case hit. I think triple swatch cards are one every three boxes and autos are one in six?
The hockey had a Winter Classic set in it for that purpose.
And what better dummy card than a Yankee?
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