So earlier today Buster Olney threw out a rumor that the Braves were looking at Brad Penny. This makes absolutely no sense since a) the Braves just kicked a guy whose number will soon be retired to the curb because they have too many starting pitchers and b) Penny makes $5mil which the Braves can't afford. A trade for Penny would make no sense at all unless two or three other deals went down at the same time and multiple dominoes falling blockbuster deals like that just don't happen outside of fantasy sports. The rumor has already been debunked by Mark Bowman anyway.
So of course any time the Braves are mentioned in trade rumors, good 'ol Frenchy is mentioned. It's amazing how badly the tide has turned on Jeff. Even the announcers for the Gwinnett Braves are talking about how he's likely to be traded during the broadcast. So much for hometown hero. Shysterballer Craig Calterra came out with this quip that made me literally LOL:
Normally I'd counsel against bringing in a seventh starter, but since this is supposed to be for Francoeur, you could put Penny in right field and it would still be a net upgrade.
Hell, Francoeur for Bill James' belly button lint would be an upgrade.
Upon reading this, I burst out laughing and then felt bad because The Natural has now fallen to the level of belly button lint. I don't think even Michael Vick fell as fast and as hard as Jeff. Someone out there say a prayer for poor Jeff in his time of need... or at least pray for his swing.

nothing irks me more. and you don't think he hears it? talk about adding more pressure... and can someone please remember his gold glove defense and gun for an arm?
Leave him be...
I don't feel too sorry for him, though see where he really has fallen from being a phenom.
He's probably been the No. 1 target of sabemetricians in 2009 because of this quote:
"If on-base percentage is so important, then why don't they put it up on the scoreboard?"
I don't know what the future holds for French. But I feel sorry for the guy. He's still young and has a lot of baseball left in him, I just hope he can get it worked out somewhere. I hope it'll be Atlanta, but if it's not I still hope he has a good career.
He's not to the point where Andruw Jones was in 2007, not yet anyway. Let's hope he doesn't reach that point.
guess i shouldn't of mailed you all those Francouer cards today.
He'll probably end up on the Tribe, have a killer comeback, end up in the HOF wearing a Braves uni...
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