Skip Caray is a finalist for this year's Ford Frick Award. Can we please induct someone, ANYONE, from the Braves' broadcast team that turned the goddamn shittiest ballclub of the entire '80s into America's Team? And can we
pretty please do it while Pete Van Wieren is still around to make a speech at the induction ceremony?? PUT IN BILLY SAMPLE IF YOU HAVE TO, I WANT TO HEAR PETE'S SPEECH.
Seriously Hall voters, how the hell can you NOT vote for this man?? Did
Frank Zappa do a parody of Jacques Doucet or Bill King? NO. Ike Willis was
Skip Caray. End of discussion.
about damn time.
how do I vote? is it one of those annoying as hell baseball things where I can vote online up to twenty five times????
The actual award is voted on by a committee of 20 voters.
You could have voted for three finalists earlier this year, but you had to do it on Facebook and fuck Facebook.
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