I have no idea how to create pages but I'll figure it out eventually godammit

Monday, December 3, 2007

A quick note on mailings

Everyone who got a UD Masterpieces card from the box break last week and are eagerly awaiting its arrival, should expect to wait a little longer. Due to a terrible post-holiday work week I'm just getting them in the mail today. I got back to work after busting the box and immediately got hit with an avalanche of crap. A flat tire didn't help matters. They are all at the post office now though My rip off post office threatened to return half of them postage due if I didn't upgrade the shipping so I'm going to a different one tomorrow that doesn't feel the need to extort their customers. I hate my post office. You should be getting them soon though.

Thanks for everyone who participated in the break, I'll probably have another one in a month or so.

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