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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You can tell the Braves are way, way out of the race

The main topic of discussion between Pete Van Wieren and Mark Lemke during the Braves radio broadcast tonight is of the intricate rules governing dollar hot dog night. Did you know there is a strict limit of two condiment packets per dog? Or that you can only purchase three hot dogs per visit, but you are allowed unlimited visits? I'd forgotten how much fun it was to listen to a Braves broadcast where absolutely nothing was on the line.

UPDATE: Now Smoltzie is on doing major spin control on that rumor out today that he was willing to play for another team next year. This is the most entertaining game I've listened to in weeks and I have no idea what the hell is going on in the game.


Captain Canuck said...

brings back thoughts of Skip and Don, or Skip and Joe in the later innings of a blowout... the things they'd end up talking about... tears running down their faces they were laughing so hard, Skip knowing damn well they were in trouble when they got off air.

Good times.

MMayes said...

Yes, those games in the late 80's when Skip would go on dryly about "Frog" (Jerry Royster) or some of the other wonderboys that were losing 95 games a year. Frankly, listening to Skip was the only reason to tune into those games, unless you were a relative of Rafael Ramirez, Gerald Perry or simply enjoyed seeing midgets (Glenn Hubbard) playing baseball.

Ben said...

hell of an interesting way to win tonight though.

dayf said...

You're not kidding, Tulo steals a win away with that catch, and then they BALK in the winning run. bizarre. At least we won a game by one run instead of the other way around.