- Washing off all the pollen and assorted schmutz that got all over me from my filthy plants
- Cooking up a steak I have marinating
- Polishing off said steak with some mashed potatoes, corn and a couple of beers
- Going through my e-mail to log all the outstanding trades I have
- Posting an exceptionally good Jumbo pack of 2009 Topps Heritage
My question for you:
Should I post the pack on A Pack A Day?
Should I post it on A Pack to be Named Later?
Should I forget about those other blogs and just post it right here?
Also, if I post a pack on APAD or APTBNL, should I cross post it here?
You guys mull that over and let me know what you'd prefer in the comments. In the meantime enjoy some Heritage Chippahs I got from Mr. Million himself, Mario at Wax Heaven.

How about A Pack A Day...
I've neglected that thing for way too long, and perhaps you can inspire me to pick up some of the slack.
I'm with Thorzul - APAD for sure! I hadn't posted over there in so long, I bought ATTAX just to post on there....
Once you make the post, nothing wrong with copying and pasting to APAD as well.
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