I'm not done with the Americana cards yet, I paid real money for these things and I'm going to get some use out of them. Here's the next card:
#135 Amanda Bearse
Horror fans know her as the coolest thing from Fright Night. The rest of the universe knows her from her character Marcy, who was Al's neighbor and favorite punching bag on Married With Children. Marcy was originally married to poor henpecked Steve, but after she got ditched, she ended up married to Jefferson D'Arcy and became the immortal Marcy D'Arcy. Try to think of Steve's last name, I dare you. Marcy..... what? You can't think of it, can you. She is now and will be forever MARCY D'ARCY. Since I chewed up most of my blogging time watching old Married With Children clips and laughing my ass off, here's the episode where Marcy marries Jefferson.
Amanda lives in Atlanta and has moved into producing and directing since Married With Children. She's currently working on the Big Gay Sketch Show on Logo. This is one of those 'tweener cards from Americana, it doesn't completely suck like the American Idol rejects, but I must say I've gotten a lot of entertainment out of YouTubing old sitcoms and horror movies. So in the grand scheme of things, while this would never be a card I would go searching out on eBay, I have to put this one into the 'win' column for Americana.
Wasn't it Rhodes?
You are correct, give that man a Cigar!
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