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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The 2008 NFL Offensive Rookie Of the Year

Is Matt Ryan. Man, was I so totally wrong. Off to face the Cardinals in the playoffs. How's that for an unlikely playoff matchup, Falcons and Cardinals? Who wins in a matchup of two of the NFL's most hapless franchises? Maybe the Big One will hit California this Sunday and it will drag Phoenix down into the Pacific ocean with the rest of Cali and the sea will swallow up both teams. Any non-baseball Cardinals fans out there? Not Stanford. NFL fans. I'm curious.

One bad thing about getting in the playoffs is that I can't find Jake Plummer's United Way commercial anywhere online and it's driving me crazy. That thing killed me. Cardinals eat Eagles!


Captain Canuck said...

this post would've been better with an auto or a jersey swatch....

heh, heh....

Anonymous said...

I shared a suite with a guy in college who was an Arizona Cardinals fan, but actually hated Jake Plummer, dubbing him "Jake the Fake".