Ernie is a Brave dammit and now I can donate his soul to the Braves Museum at Turner Field where it belongs - HEY!

Great, now I have to rescue Ernie's soul from Milhouse. Maybe I should dress up like Lisa to entrap him... no that'd be creepy. Rats. How did Bart get his soul back? I need to watch my DVDs again now. While I do that, check out the Eric Chavez relic card I won. I have about five Eric Chavez jersey cards now so if there's a huge Chavez fan out there, let me know. I need to do another live blaster break... it's been over a month since the last one.

s sould back from the Comic Book guy because she felt sorry for him. He ripped up the little piece of paper and ate it to get his soul back.
I wouldn't mind taking any Chavez (or other rrecent A's cards for that matter) off your hands. I know I don't have any Braves game-used to send you in return, but I should be able to come up with a fairly good stack of Braves
I'll flip you for it...
We could make a contest out of it...
Best fake Tony Gwynn card wins the Eric Chavez...
It would be an xmas present for my mom... She was his math teacher in middle school...
I like ellipses...
PRP, the cards all yours. A Photoshop contest pitting me against you wouldn't be much of a contest. Plus, that's pretty cool that she was his teacher, I could never take a card away from mom. There'll be plenty of future Chavez cards to go around.
Oops, sorry about that. I was signed in under my wifes account (Kate) and didn't realize it.
I'll accept the fake Tony Gwynn challenge photoshop style for the Chavez card.
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