First up is a package of stuff from Heartbreaking Cards of Staggering Genius. I sent him that Bo Jackson graded card from that repack box and a bunch of stuff off his want lists. In return I got a bunch of Holy F%$&ing $#!& good cards. I'm talking mega-awesome. I also got this Finest autograph of Rich Thompson I won in a contest.

Up next a short and sweet trade with Thorzul. He had a couple of Goudey SP's I needed, I had a couple of Heritage cards he needed. Thorzul was kind enough to throw in this Brian McCann SP Authentic with Mecha damage as well.

Third package was from Capewood's Collections. This is kind of a strange trade, basically Dinged Corners posted a weird Jeff Kent Fairfield Monstrocity and when all was said and done I ended up with a package from Capewood. The story is too long to tell now, but let's just say this package is all about the Chippers.

I'd show more, but I have a Card of the Week post, special Election night post, Topps Target post, O-Pee-Chee Hockey post, a Topps Retro Football set post, my '80-'81 mini card post, a super special seecrit post and I'm expecting the 2009 Topps design to pop up on a message board (or elsewhere) any moment now. Kinda swamped at the moment. However, you can choose which package you want to see first:
Heartbreaking Cards of Staggering Genius
Thorzul Will Rule
Capewood's Collections
White Sox Cards
Let me know who you want to see first in the comments and I'll get right on that. After all that other stuff.
I vote for Steve's - he was one of the very first I traded with on-line and he put together an awesome package for me. Curious to see what he does for others!
I vote for Heartbreaking. He sent me an amazing bunch of cards when I traded with him.
Ok, Steve is first then Heartbreaking. Someone pick Thorzul or Capewood and I'll have the order to post set.
Wow. Tough choice!
I'll go with Capewood next, since I just sent him cards too. Plus, you know that Thorzul's package should be last because of the oddities usually contained in there.
I honestly thought that I had seen a few of the cards in previous posts about packages in the mail. Hmmm. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.
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