Stats on the Back is trashing his cards. Go here and tell Mark you want to save them! I've done my part... Don't let his cards end up like this.
All right now to the links. Now these are not necessarily the best blogs or the best posts ever and you are not less of a human being if I didn't link to you, these are simply posts that caught my eye enough when I read them to save the URL for later.
Ben Henry's swan song. If you don't click on anything else on this post, click on this.
Capewood goes to RenFest.
The Topps Archives shows off some fascinating old Topps promotional cards from the early '70s.
I Am Joe Collector has a long and excellent article on Beckett's influence through the years.
An interesting (eecch) autograph experience from the Sports Locker.
Incredible post on Veteran's Day from the Houston Card Collector.
And here is the winner for quote of the week:
Parallels are nothing more than doubles for dummies.
How true, how true...
Finally I have some housekeeping to do, so I'm going to do it here. three more packages came in yesterday, one from Kevin, one from Cardboard Icons and the last was the "Trade Me Anything" card from Thorzul.

Mr. Dayf, you get an "A" for most appropriate uses of a hyphen.
Thanks for the link, Dayf.
I took a little heat for that one. ;)
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