I suck. I totally forgot it was Veteran's Day. It's not like it's an easy day to miss, just look for all the ones. Hell, I'm MARRIED to a veteran! Still, I didn't remember it was Veteran's Day until I showed up at the post office and remembered why it was closed. In my defense, work last night was teh suck and I didn't even get to bed until after 4am due to two upgrades bombing at the same time. Still, no excuse. I suck. To get myself right again, here's a mostly complete (26/30) set of 2007 Topps Distinguished Service inserts. If you want to read a
good post about Veteran's Day, go check out
Houston Card Collector.

Thanks to all the veterans for your service, stay safe out there.
Update: JayBee has the entire set, thoughtfully scanned and reviewed and not slapped together at the last second by a half asleep fool. Check it out
lol... I went to the post office today too. First I tried pushing on the door. When that failed, I tried pulling it open. No go!
What I don't understand is why Veterans don't like getting mail.
Man, what kind of ding-dongs are we? I went to the Post Office today, even AFTER I had posted that it was Veteran's Day!
I had never seen those cards before! Those are great. Looks like I've got some Tribers to add to my "Want" list...
Thanks...I have nothing else to say.
JayBee Anama
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